2 min read

The core features of Amazon Marketing Cloud

The core features of AMC and how they can support your cross-channel Amazon Advertising strategy.
The core features of Amazon Marketing Cloud

Amazon Marketing Cloud gives advertisers more insight into how their Amazon and non-Amazon advertising activity contribute to sales on Amazon

Amazon Marketing Cloud is an advanced measurement solution provided free for Amazon Ads customers who use the DSP. It gives advertisers a deeper look into the data Amazon provides in reporting, and the ability to customise the default settings in reports so that insights can be better tailored to your business. This article looks at the core features of AMC and how they can benefit your Amazon business.

Core Feature 1: Event-level Data

The most impactful feature of Amazon Marketing Cloud is the event-level data you get access to. Event-level data enables you to see campaign metrics by user-id. The standard reporting available for Sponsored Ads and DSP campaigns is pre-aggregated, meaning that you can only drill-down to a certain level of granularity, usually day, and ASIN. Marketing Cloud unlocks the ability to run advanced reports from which you can generate sophisticated insights and recommendations.

User-id enables you to run analysis on customers but without the constraints of looking at them through Amazon’s audience segments. For example, you could group customers by how much and how often they buy from your brand to look for characteristics that you could feed back into campaign strategy and optimisation.

Core Feature 2: Customisable Reports

The Event-level data available in Marketing Cloud comes with attributes that grant the ability to customise some of the default settings in reports, and access additional data about advertising activity, such as the standard attribution window across Sponsored Ads products which is set at 14 days. In Marketing Cloud you can customise the window to better analyse a seasonality upweight or the effects of a wider marketing push.

Other customisations and analyses made available include audience cohort analysis, frequency and unique reach data, cross-channel media impact, upper-funnel brand campaign impact, and hour-of-day data.

Core Feature 3: 3rd Party Data Overlay

If you run ads on other platforms or sell through owned channels, you can upload data from those sources into Marketing Cloud. This gives you a clearer view into cross-channel marketing effectiveness, and enables you to see the overlap between your own audience and Amazon Ads activity.

It’s similar in function to the Amazon Attribution product except with Marketing Cloud you get access to more granular data and customisable reporting. All that’s needed to make the joins are customer identifiers such as email addresses, and phone numbers, which are hashed and made privacy compliant in the uploading process.